Health Library & Information Services Directory
SAT NAV and online maps do not recognise the correct location of the Hospice's postcode. Therefore, if you are visiting the hospice, please use the following postcode as your destination: CB22 3AB. This will take you to the Babraham Park and Ride site where you will need to park if visiting the hospice.
01223 675782
The Library is staffed on Mondays 09:00-16:00 and Wednesdays 09:30-14:30
1260 books, patient information resources, cds, dvds.
The library houses a multi-disciplinary collection of resources on all aspects of hospice, palliative and end of life care, including books, journals, patient information and a range of audio-visual material.
There is a lift to the library which is on the 1st floor
East of England Health Libraries Network
Eastern Document Exchange Network
Eastern Electronic Library for Health & Social Care
East of England Electronic Library Management System
Last updated about 2 months ago
Piotr Czosnyka - Library & Learning Resources Officer